Thursday, December 22, 2011

Veg Casserole

It is that time of the year again. When you want to snuggle into your quilt and watch movies all day long or sleep or well just not study. So I am jealous of all you people out there who do not have to write exams. 

To snuggle you need comfort food. This is when all your mac n cheese, soup pasta, french toast etc come of use. 

Here is another. That you can make and tuck away into your refrigerator to be warmed up and has with buttered bread. Presenting the casserole!

You can add whatever vegetables you want (chicken if you eat meat).

I have here: Green Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Carrots, Yellow Squash and Mushroom. 
You can also add: French Beans, Potatoes, Cauliflower and Zucchini. 

A very important component of a casserole is the cheese. I bought Cheddar from Go Cheese. It isn't at all expensive. The pack you see below is only Rs. 139 a quarter of what you would pay for the imported stuff. The cheese mixes beautifully into the sauce and it smooth and gorgeous.

So chop all the veggies, into bite sized pieces.

Boil the broccoli for 2 mins, saute the carrots in olive oil with basil and garlic.
Then add the bell peppers, saute more, ass the broccoli and the mushrooms.
Close and toss it around for a while till almost cooked.

Make a white sauce and add the cheese, so it becomes a beautiful liquid.

Layer the veggies as desired and pour the sauce on top. Make sure it goes all the way through.

Grate some (a lot) of cheese on top.

Cover and bake on 180 for well 30 minutes.

Then take it out, let it cool or like risk burning your tongue.

Cuddle up and enjoy.

What are your yummy cuddly winter treats? 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Read it. Loved it. Tried it. It came out super YUM!! =)


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